Managing user account locations

    If you have a primary-and-secondary server setup, and you set up multiple mail servers, you need to specify a location to store mail for each user.

    IMPORTANT: If you do not specify locations for all users, some mail may not be delivered.

    If you are upgrading from AppleShare IP 5 or later, and you run the mail server on the primary system, you do not have to specify account locations for existing users.

    To specify a user's account location:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the primary server.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Show Users & Groups List.
    3 Double-click the name of a user.
    4 Choose Mail Settings from the pop-up menu.
    5 In the box labeled "Mail Account located on server," enter the domain name or IP address of the server that will store the user's mail until the user retrieves it.
    6 Click the Enable button.

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